Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal & Business Taxation PowerPoint Presentation

Personal & Business Taxation - PowerPoint Presentation Example Basically, there are domains for the taxation in UK, they are personal taxation and company taxation. Personal taxation is required for a UK resident who spent 183 days in UK during a tax year and he earned a net income which is taxable according to the law in place in the taxable year. Company or business taxation is applicable if the company situates in the UK and it is payable as given below Though this is the general tax rate for a company, UK tax law has given a tax-rate relief for small businesses in order to encourage entrepreneurship and enhance job creation as well as small-business innovation. Removing tax barriers and thus to ensure small business growth was one of the main aims for this tax relief (Freedman, 2003, p. 22). But this has been widely questioned whether this tax relief make any contribution to economic growth or whether this targeting is achieved. In UK, the small business rate relief is normally administered by the concerned local authority. A business man, no matter whether it is sole proprietorship or partnership or other form of business, will be eligible for tax relief if his taxable value is below  £18,000 (but  £25,500 in London). If the rateable value of a small business is just  £6,000 or lower, the small business rate multiplier will be used along with a 50 percent relief. If the rateable value is between  £6,001 to  £11,999, the small business rate multiplier will be used and the rate relief will be between 0 to 50 percent. If the rateable amount is above  £12,000 and less than  £18,000, there won’t be any relief, but only small business rate multiplier will be used (Business Link,

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Inspector in Act 1 Essay Example for Free

The Inspector in Act 1 Essay Consider the dramatic importance of the entrance of the Inspector in Act 1 and his exit in Act 3Â  Although the inspector does not enter until a while into the play, it is clear that his presence will shock the Birling family. The play is set in a house of a reasonable middle upper class family. The familys attire is very formal and displays to the audience the familys wealth. The entrance of the inspector brings a massive amount of dramatic irony and his entrance is immensely important to the views Priestley is trying to portray in the play. Likewise his exit lulls the family into a false sense of security. A sense of security that is promptly removed from them. The play is set in 1912,however it was written in 1945. Therefore Priestley uses the power of retrospect to plant clever irony throughout the play. I believe Priestley had a didactic purpose to tell a moral story as a product of the play. The props used are that of a typical wealthy household from the early twentieth century, however Priestley gives these normal objects a lot more emphasis. Birling is an extremely pompous and arrogant character. He has strong beliefs and is clearly not easily swayed in his views. It is obvious Birling has worked hard for his wealth and is excessively proud of his status in current society. Birling also stresses this numerous times to all the characters he is involved in dialogue with right through the play, For example I was lord mayor two years ago. The audience is shown immediately that Birling is a very proud person; Priestley uses dialogue to impact this on the audience. Birling basks in his high social status and is elated at the fact that his daughter is marrying above them, another building block for Birlings oversized ego. Birling also imposes long, drawn out speeches on the audience that turn out to be completely contradicted throughout the play. Birlings assumptions are proved to be wrong and things he thought would be an unrealistic joke actually become reality. For example, I gather theres a very good chance of a knighthood, so long as we behave ourselves. A typical example of how Birling is contradicted on a large scale as the play unfolds. The play is constructed very precisely; almost everything that comes from Birlings mouth is eventually reduced to nothing. Another good example is Birlings views on war nobody wants war he claims. Whereas both Priestley and the audience are fully aware that war does occur. Bringing with it more irony and adding to Priestleys constant mockery of Birling. Previous to the inspectors entrance, the atmosphere in the Birling household is highly warm, celebratory and comfortable. The family is celebrating a successful engagement that will result in the Birlings furthering their status. Birling is feeling confident and therefore he makes some smug, pompous speeches to his family. Almost everything he says is false in retrospect. Irony is increased, as Birling gives Eric and Gerald a speech on how to live their lives, the audience are aware that Birling should definitely not preach about this subject. The dramatic impact of the doorbell is immense and plays a huge role in the play as it interrupts a typical Birling lecture, symbolising the end of Birling being Top dog.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Modern Grammar Teaching: Reflection Notes

Modern Grammar Teaching: Reflection Notes During reading curriculum for this paper I have learned a lot about grammar and speaking as tools for communication, and my own expectations towards teaching. The theories I have looked at have their strengths and weaknesses, so I have dragged out the parts that I consider important from each one. I found out that there is not one best approach. However, it can bring us closer to understanding how Communicative Language Teaching works. The aim of this paper is to deepen my understanding of teaching and adapting this approach to use as foundation in my future teaching practice. My goal is that through examination of different views and theories I can adapt a suitable approach to teaching. This will help me to improve the quality in my future teaching practices. Working with the Curriculum was the most challenging in my teaching practice. Planning a lesson can get one to be creative and come up with different ideas. I have gained a lot of experience by observing and teaching. Although teaching practice was difficult at times, I tried to do my best. I and my tutors had frequently guidance. They were open to my ideas and this helped to progress in my teaching. I have learned that it is important not to imitate teaching styles and be critical, but choose the teaching style that suits me most. I am aware that as a teacher I meet many challenges both in the subject and didactics area. These situations have to be assessed one by one and there is no answer. What I believe is that if I focus on being a plain (clear?) grown-up and keep a kind of distance towards students and be inaccessible at the same time, I can become an inspiring teacher, at least I hope to become. It is necessary for a teacher that students learn from him/her. One of the objectives of the English as a school subject is that language is both a tool and a way of gaining knowledge and personal insight. Students have to be aware of language learning, communication and understand culture, society and literature. These objectives are the core of the English subject and I hope that I am the right person to be a mediator for this. Introduction There is an enormous demand for English teaching nowadays due to the expanding need for communication skills in English language. Millions of people aspire to good communication skills in English language. Teaching at school, exchange studies, travel, media, internet, newspapers are only a few of the many opportunities to acquire English. There is a huge need for quality language teaching and teaching materials/resources. Fluency and accuracy in English is indispensable not only for academics but also for employees. In order to succeed, one needs good language skills, therefore a successful teaching method is constantly required. To express himself/herself in writing and orally with some precision, fluency and coherence and use basic grammatical and text structures of English orally and in writing are two of the Competence Aims in the English Subject Curriculum ( These competence aims give a freedom in choice of teaching methods. The research questions of this paper are: Is Communicative Language Teaching an approach that improves English teaching? Do we need grammar in language teaching? In order to answer these questions I will first introduce the approach of Communicative Language Teaching. Also will I discuss the difference between fluency and accuracy, acquisition and learning, inductive and deductive grammar teaching. For this purpose I chose to discuss different views of several theorists on communicative teaching: RichardsRodgers, David Nunan, C.J. Brumfit, Stephen Krashen, David Newby and R. Ellis. Content Many Norwegian students experience a type of English learning that does not encourage them to see English as a communication tool. Unfortunately, the study of English language is focused mostly on passing exams. Because of this, learners assume there is a connection between good results and proficiency. This is true, to some extent, but strong focus on scores and grades can distort the goals of language learners. Students invest often a lot of time in study efforts, like drills that do not build their language competence. They focus more and more on getting good examination scores, instead of building proficiency. These students will come to see language learning as an exercise favouring accuracy. English seen as a communication tool makes the language study more captivating. Students who experience as early as possible English as communication, talk face-to-face with someone from a foreign country, read books published in English, watch movies, develop the ability to interact with a totally new world. Fluency vs. accuracy The process of Language Teaching has changed significantly in the last years. Earlier views of language (for example the Grammar Teaching Method) had grammatical competence in the centre. Language was seen as a set of norms and structures. The learner had a passive role, and grammar books included mostly drills, gapped sentences and sentences for transformation. (Newby,1998:184). Acoording to Brumfit`s theory (Brumfit,1980), learners need freedom to use the newly developed skills. Not allowing this would inhibit those abilities which are necessary for the most effective response to the predicted needs. Emphasis on fluency is new method in foreign language teaching. Brumfit (1980) shows that the use of fluency is the basis for a language curriculum, rather than accuracy. Accurate construction of the target language has always been a basis in traditional syllabuses. Brumfit is uncertain about its beneficial effects. Accuracy as basis in language teaching neglects adaptability and the a bility to improvise, and written forms will tend to dominate spoken forms. Are learners more responsive to fluency? Brumfit(1980) points at the naive learner who achieves more progress on an oral basis of fluent and inaccurate language than a careful and accurate language. A communicative language teaching begins with communication. Brumfit points at the importance of Communicational exercises that need to match the stages in learner progress. According to RichardsRodgers(2006), Communicative Language Teaching is an approach that aims to communicative competence in language teaching. This approach aspires to develop procedures for language teaching that supports the connection between language and communication. David Nunan (1988) in his Learner-Centred Curriculum studies the concept of language proficiency. The Communicative Approach originates from the theory of language as communication. Nunan mentions Chomskys distinction between competence and performance (Nunan, 1988:32). Comp etence refers to mastery of the principles governing language behaviour, that is the knowledge of grammar rules, and performance refers to the manifestation of these rules in actual language usage. Competence simply means knowledge of the language system( Hymes,1971:13) Hymes (1971)develops this theory further and comes to the conclusion that if a speaker were to produce grammatical sentences without regard to the situation in which they were being used, he would be considered deranged( Hymes,1971:14). Brumfit(1980) agrees with this and observes that beside knowledge of grammar one has to learn to use appropriately the language in living situations. Teachers cannot operate with a view of language simply as a descriptive system to be handed over to the learner; language is a means of interaction, self-definition, aesthetic creation and clarification (Brumfit,1980:116). In communicative language teaching errors are necessary for the learner in order to get a response on the learning s ituation. This way teaching strategies become more sensitive to the abilities and different individual needs (Brumfit,1980:115). Failures operate as a diagnosis for the teacher, and motivation for students. Language is used in a process of thinking, discovering, classifying and manipulating. This process does not take place through language alone, so it demands our active use (Brumfit,1980:120). The aim of language learners is contact, not assimilation. Fluency practice helps the learner to use his limited amount of language for as wide a range of purposes possible; only accurate speech will communicate effectively. The main goal, according to Krashen(1981), is aid in performance. For this reason language teachers should put learners into situations where they have to grope and paraphrase. According to Brumfit(1980), adjusting to other speakers, must be a central feature of communicative methodology. Acquisition vs. Learning Stephen Krashen (1981) calls Communicative Language Teaching an ideal approach. His Second Language Acquisition Theory contains 5 hypotheses. In the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis, Krashen(1981) points to the existence of two separate processes that happen in language learning: acquisition and learning. According to Krashen (1981), language acquisition is more central than learning in second language performance( Krashen,1981:101). Language acquisition (intake) is a subconscious process similar to the way a child`s language learning. Caretaker speech is an efficient method to encourage language acquisition. (caretaker speech= all input that is understood). Intake hypothesis develops the idea that one can acquire competence in a SL without ever producing it; delaying speech when active listening is provided causes no delay. Krashen (1981) mentions a report on the American Indians who do not speak a language until they have learned it well (Krashen 1981:108). The result of this hypoth esis is the silent period the students are given to while acquiring a new language. Krashen(1981) doesn`t agree with theories that say that language is grammar, restrict vocabulary and focus on syntax. He means that in order to encourage syntax acquisition, one has to emphasize vocabulary: even knowing the words is enough to guess the content and syntax. One needs comprehension in order to acquire syntax (intuitions). Language learning (input), on the other hand, refers to the conscious learning of a second language, knowing the rules of thumb and the structure of the target language. Krashen(1981) says that there is no need to provide any conscious learning in acquisition, because grammar rules describe only fragments of natural language. He gives example of performers who know the rule, but still cannot use it after many years, and performers who have acquired large amount of language without learning it consciously. (p.114). Krashen(1981) concludes that grammar study by itself is meaningless; successful second language acquisition need both grammar and immersion. Acquisition may happen in intake-rich environments. Mechanical drill fail as optimal intake primary focus is on the form of the language. These might motivate students but is not enough (Krashen,1981). Communication is stimulated by more efficient exercises, such as meaningful, communicative drills. Foreign student peer group and helping foreign students get to know each other are also beneficial for intake. Communicative grammar. Inductive vs. deductive grammar teaching According to Newby(1998), many language classes in Europe focus mostly on teaching grammar, reduced to a form of mathematics and had little to do with the communication of ideas. Teachers use large portions of class time explaining rules, analyzing the grammar in sentences and drilling. Newby(1998) means that traditional grammar has to be analyzed again and replace some elements with a more communication -based theory of grammar. He believes that there is more than one view that provides all the answers. Newby(1981) discusses the difference between traditional, deductive grammar and modern, inductive grammar. While deductive grammar focuses on the presentation of language, on rules and testing of grammar, inductive grammar concentrates on the ability of choosing meaningful grammar in real contexts. Nevertheless, inductive grammar is not weak on grammar. Newby(1998) mentions that it includes additional categories which offer the learner ways to communicate through grammar in actual si tuations. In the early stages of learning the learner learns to feel grammar and sees how it works. Language theorist Ellis R.(2002) claims that acquisition begins with awareness. Testing at an early stage of language learning may inhibit learning, and learners end up confusing testing and teaching. Only after gaining confidence may the learner use activities in order to integrate knowledge into other areas of their competence. Grammar is the final stage of the process, when communication happens in a context. Ellis(2002), claims that grammar shouldn`t be directed at learners but at those who already have sufficient lexis. Teachers should focus on difficult grammatical structures. But are there any disadvantages using this modern teaching process? Newby answers this with his view that modern grammar requires rethinking grammatical categories and re-orienting towards meaning. Teaching grammar can have a beneficial effect (Ellis) as long as it is directed on those who have sufficient vocabulary knowledge. Newby (1998) concludes that one has to be open to, but also critical of, all methodological approaches. Conclusion This study has provided the opportunity to learn more about grammar in the light of Communicative Language Teaching. I have shown that theories have a wide specter, with some of the theories for, others against grammar teaching. My opinion is that both focusing on grammar accuracy and meaningful communication is equally important. It is teacher`s responsibility to choose the right task, considering the students` background. I do not affirm that Communicative Language Teaching is the best approach of teaching English. But understanding its methods can be used as a significant source of ideas. Literature list Brumfit, C.: Problems and principles in English teaching, 1980, Oxford : Pergamon Press Ellis, R. :Understanding Second Language Acquisition, 1991,Oxford: Oxford University Press (Compendium) Hymes, D.H.: On communicative competence, 1971, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press Krashen, S.D: Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, 1981, Pergamon Press. (Compendium) Newby, David: Theory and practice communicative grammar, 1998, Ablex Publishing Corporation. (Compendium) Nunan, D.: The Learner-Centred Curriculum : a Study in Second Language Teaching, 1988, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Richards, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 2006, Cambridge University Press. 15.03.10 SPEAKING SKILL IN THE LIGHT OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING Introduction The Curriculum has 5 basic skills that are integrated in the competence objectives. In addition, the English subject has been structured into 3 main areas of competence aims: language learning, communication and culture, society and literature. These subject areas supplement each other and must be considered together. One of the five basic skills of the curriculum is being able to express oneself orally. This paper discusses the skill of being able to express oneself in writing and orally in the light of Communicative language teaching, by drawing in experience from my teaching practice in a Lower Secondary School (I decided not to go deeper into the theory of Communicative Language Teaching as I already did this in my previous paper). Finally, I will introduce strategies to improve speaking so as to make English teaching more effective. The main goal of this paper is to show the importance of using the target language in the classroom having a starting point in Communicative Language theories. Content Use of target language in the class Pupils should be given the opportunity to speak English as much as possible during English lessons. For most of pupils, the classroom is the only place during their school years where they will have the chance to speak English. One of the five basic skills of the curriculum is being able to express oneself orally. English Subject curriculum says that being able to express oneself in writing and orally in English is a key part of developing English linguistic competence and is a common thread throughout the competence objectives at all levels. These skills are important tools in working on understanding and using English in increasingly varied and demanding contexts across cultures and subject fields. Having oral skills means being able to both listen and speak ( In my teaching practice I noticed that an average Norwegian pupil speaks English too little or not at all during their three years in Lower Secondary. What is the reason that pupils speak as little as they do, though Curriculum stresses the importance of speaking? One of the reasons is that English teachers focus mostly on accuracy, memorizing dialogues and learning to perform them fluently. This approach is successful and teaches pupils vocabulary and grammar but gives little practice in expressing own ideas in English. Could this be the reason why whenever pupils try to say anything else that differs from the memorized sentence, they have to strive for a long time to put easy sentences together? Language theorist David Newby (1998) describes language as a means of communicating messages between human beings in actual contexts (Newby,1998:184 ). His view is that in real life language is used to exchange meaningful messages in actual contexts and this should be reflected in classroom ( Newby,1998: 185). Another theorist, Krashen (1981), claims that simple free conversation and mechanical drills are not efficient because communication is not stimulated. He considers meaningful, communicative drills and exercises as being highly effective. Unfortunately, drills are very common in language teaching, while genuine speaking is neglected. This might explain why some of the students` ability to speak is far behind their knowledge of grammar or vocabulary (Krashen,1981: 103). Experiencing communication in my teaching practice I started my teaching practice by 2 weeks of observation of an 8th grade class with 23 pupils. When I started observation, the 8th class was at the end of a project with my tutor. The aim of this project was to design a poster about a tourist attraction in London or about homeless people. They were allowed to use media sources (magazines, newspapers, Internet, books), encouraging authentic language in real context. Time frame was approximately 9 hours at school. Pupils worked with a partner, which encouraged relationships and gave opportunity to work together. The pupils were supposed to read and understand the plan presented in the learner`s book about designing a poster. The teacher went through the task reading loudly and explaining step by step, instead of giving the pupils the opportunity to find out for themselves. What I have noticed was that all instruction was made in Norwegian, not in the target language. I was surprised by this, because I do not see the reason having Engli sh at school if you do not practice it. If teachers do not have the courage to speak fluent English, they cannot expect that students will do it. Listening and speaking exposure is essential in order to communicate effectively. It is also important in writing activities, because all skills are necessary and skills are inter-related and build upon each other. Professor Diane Freeman(2000) points out to the significance of using the target language not only during communicative activities, but also for explaining the activities to the student or in assigning homework (Freeman,2000:132). The tutor explained to me that she used Norwegian in order to make things easier and as a teacher she has to adapt teaching to the students. I believe that low expectations discourage students. English was little used during class. Students mostly used target language when reading or giving answers to tasks from the learner`s book. My opinion is that it is OK to use native language for beginners, but I believe there are other ways to encourage pupils to speak English, for example by praising and by giving them time to express themselves. After I have started teaching I noticed that even the best students are nervous about using the target language. I believe that speaking is an individual process. One has to concentrate on many things at the same time: vocabulary knowledge, word choice, grammar, pronunciation etc. But producing spoken language is indispensable in learning a language. My opinion is that if once students experience a minimum of success in conversation, they will be motivated to learn to express their ideas in English with fluency. As I have mentioned in my previous paper, language theorist Stephen Krashen (1981) claims that fluency work is necessary to enable the performer to achieve acquisition while accuracy in language teaching neglects adaptability and the ability to improvise (Krashen,1981:128). Theorist Christopher Brumfit (1980) indicates that fluency practi ce helps the student to use his limited amount of language for as wide a range of purposes possible and teachers have to allow the students to learn from their own abilities. Strategies Another aim in the Curriculum is to express [] orally to obtain help in understanding and being understood and to understand various oral and written presentations on self-selected topics ( During my teaching practice I tried to use activities that focused on fluency. I concentrated on achieving of communication instead of focusing on errors. In this way I gave a chance also to those students who felt unsecure about their English level. I recommended students to use language that was not predictable and sought to link language use to context. I achieved these aims by using authentic materials in my teaching, such as real newspaper articles. The students` homework was assigned to require using accessible materials, like articles, television news, anything that could create discussion. The students enjoyed playing roles. Problems occurred when they had to carry out the role play. Many of the students read out loud what they have written instead of improvise. When it went o n too long, and performing took too much time, other students had to wait for each other. Even so, this activity both seemed to stimulate and motivate them. My impression is that balancing fluency activities with accuracy is the most difficult task in planning a lesson. Brumfit(1980) says that only accurate speech will communicate effectively, and we need accuracy as well as fluency in order to communicate properly. Communicative drills or exercises can be more efficient in producing language acquisition than mechanical drills, claims Krashen (1981) because these are activities in which students can really communicate or in which communication can be stimulated (Krashen,1981:104). In my teaching practice, I tried to combine meaningful practice with communicative practice as often I could. By meaningful practice I refer to activities where students have to make meaningful choices when they perform a practice. One of these kinds of tasks was the one where students had to imagine that they were staying at a hotel in London. The student was supposed to visit some of the attractions and they had to use a map in order to find the way there. They had to work in pairs and had to explain their partner how they have planned their day, by showing on the map how they are going to get there. The students were excited about working in pairs, something they do quite seldom. Their biggest challenge was working together and using the target language, my challenge was making myself understood. I had to explain the task many times, but even so, there were some students that had to get instructions in Norwegian. Nevertheless, they seemed motivated by learning something else besides grammar. But how can a student become a confident English speaker? According to language theorists RichardsRodgers(2006), teachers have to reconsider their role in teaching. Instead of being a model of correct speech, teachers should facilitate language learning and be more flexible when activities are unsuccessful. My opinion is that it is important to make a check-list on what is important in communicative practice, for example: use of creative, authentic questions and tasks that can be used outside the classroom, use games and guessing to make things interesting, use tasks after the students` age and interests and bond the topic of texts with personalized, background knowledge. All this encourages the students t o use English in the classroom. Most of lower-secondary students are used to watch movies or listen to songs in English. But still, even the best students need to be praised and encouraged to speak it. With a view to improving speaking abilities, giving opportunities to practice and having free conversational activities are very good ideas. To any level of students, using English for real communicative purpose is an ideal way to begin! Students can gather with the teacher in a cafà © and discuss issues in English to break away from the idea that English is only used in class or homework. Conclusion In this paper I have discussed the importance of speaking English in the classroom. My opinion is that speaking is the strongest tool for communication. Students need to experience language as communication as early as possible in their learning in order to master English. That is why I, as future teacher of the English language, am aware of the importance of giving students opportunity to speak the target language. Even though accuracy and fluency cannot be totally separated, it is more effective to have achievable goals rather than being perfect. Teacher-student interaction is the best example of authentic communication. And if the teacher knows his/her students well enough, it may provide a lot inspiration. Literature list Brumfit, C.: Problems and principles in English teaching, 1980, Oxford : Pergamon Press Larsen-Freeman, D.: Techniques and principles in language teaching, 2000: Oxford : Oxford University Press Krashen, S.D: Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, 1981, Pergamon Press. (Compendium) Newby, David: Theory and practice communicative grammar, 1998, Ablex Publishing Corporation. (Compendium) Richards, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 2006, Cambridge University Press. 15.03.10

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Key Into Ketogenic Diets :: Health Fat Weight Loss Dieting Essays

The Key Into Ketogenic Diets Come on now...we have all done it. You know the feeling. You are walking down an aisle in the supermarket craving â€Å"bad†. Instead of going for the Oreo cookies you feel are loaded with fat, you opt for the Snackwells Fat Free Devils Food Cake Cookies and feel like you are a saint for making the least harmful choice. You feel great...that is until you get home, open the package, eat one cookie, then two...then in a matter of minutes the whole box has been consumed. But you think, its not that fat!!!! But, what about everything else in that box In the last couple of decades, dieting trends have astronomically increased. The average dieter has trained his or her ears and eyes to react to the word ‘fat’. Low fat, reduced fat, fat free- these are all words that until recently have set alarms off ringing in the typical dieter’s head. Recently, new vocabulary, such as ketogenic, ketosis, and low carbohydrate have stepped into the dieter’s world and questioned, or rather challenged, the ‘fat’ free method of dieting. So, after you have devoured the entire box of ‘fat’ free cookies perhaps you will ask yourself....WHAT ABOUT THE CARBOHYDRATES Ketogenics...Low-Carbohydrate...Ketosis...what does all this mean? Ketogenic diets, often called low-carbohydrate (low carb is slang), seem to be the latest diet trend. There are many different forms, all varying in different degrees. Ketogenic diets focus primarily on the limited intake of carbohydrates in the food pyramid. In order to clearly understand ketogenic diets, one must start with the basics-what are ketones and where are ketones found and produced What are ketones Ketose is any sugar that contains a ketone group. Ketone bodies are the normal physiological defenses in starvation. Ketone bodies are normal products of lipid and pyruvate and found within the liver. When an impaired or absent carbohydrate intake occurs, the body increases its production of ketone bodies and metabolizes them as an energy source. Ketogenesis, which is the production of ketone bodies occurs in ketogenic diets, resulting in a ketotic state( Miller-Keane 1997). So, â€Å"when the requirement for glucose cannot be met by other means, the tissues of the body rely increasingly on ketone bodies as an energy source† (Volpe 1983).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Catering and Marketing Essay

To perform successfully, a catering service must be market-oriented and should apply the marketing concept, which is derived from the assumption that a product should be capable of meeting the needs of consumers, foremost, through its quality. To fully meet the needs and wants of costumers on the one hand, and to accomplish its business goals on the other hand, a catering business needs to combine the elements of the marketing mix in order to be as successful as possible in selling its product on the market. Guest satisfaction must be ensured. I. INTRODUCTION â€Å"Marketing is not only much broader than selling; it is not a specialized activity at all. It encompasses the entire business. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view. Concern and responsibility for marketing must therefore permeate all areas of the enterprise.† – Peter Drucker Food is an indispensable part of the human needs and wants that is always present in every circumstance. It is a usual unison that people have in an event which covers a large number of people dining and feasting meaning a reason for the essence of catering services. Catering services is one of the most dynamic business groups in the food and beverage industry. By industry definition, catering is the planned service of food and beverages – in contrast to restaurants, where food and beverages are generally served on demand. The opportunity for catering services to provide planned food and beverages is far greater than it is for restaurants. While restaurants are business units that serve the general public within their operating facilities, catering services, for the most part, can be provided in any venue, public or private. Unlimited types of settings, both indoors and out, are used for catering functions. The number of people who can be served at a catering function range from one to many, many more – often totalling in the thousands. For a service organization such as catering to acquire customers, it is important that marketing strategies be deployed to improve its own ability to compete with other catering services gain a competitive advantage and thus retain a greater number of customers. Marketing is an important aspect of every catering operation. As customer demands increase for catering-related services, corresponding marketing efforts must be developed. Catering business can live and die by the strength of their marketing efforts, particularly in areas with high levels of competition. An effective marketing plan can lead to the growth of your customer base, larger catering jobs, and increased profits. As consumers grow increasingly, the role of advertising and publicity become the primary vehicles for information about food and service. Definition of Terms Marketing. It is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging oï ¬â‚¬erings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Strategy. It is the direction and scope of an organization over the long-term: which achieves advantage for the organization through its configuration of resources within a challenging environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholder expectations. Catering. The activity of providing food and beverage for events. Marketing Mix. A planned mix of the controllable elements of a product’s marketing plan commonly termed as 4Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Product. Represents a set of tangible and intangible elements used to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. Promotion. The publicization of a product to increase sales or public awareness Price. A value that will purchase a finite quantity of a product or service. Product Distribution. It is the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer. Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study is conducted specifically on eleven (11) Catering Services in the locality of Bataan. Specifically the eleven (11) catering services are as follows: 1. Tony and Ann Catering Services – located in Balanga City 2. Mommy-Tah’s Catering – located in Orion 3. Petrius Resto and Bar Catering – located in Balanga City 4. Goldiluz Catering – located in Balanga City 5. Ysiad’s Catering – located in Balanga City 6. Cora’s Catering – located in Orion 7. Junifred Catering Service and Accessories- located in Orani 8. Cj’s Catering Services – located in Dinalupihan 9. Mattro Catering Services- located in Hermosa 10. Gourmet Catering and Flower Shop- located in Orani 11. Know- Well Catering Services- located in Abucay The eleven (11) Catering Services were subjected to survey questionnaire. One catering services at a time. Furthermore, this study was limited to finding only the effectiveness of the marketing strategies used by the different catering services. Statement of the Problem The main purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of marketing strategies used by different catering services in the locality of Bataan. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions. 1. Is there a significant relationship between the location of the business and its marketing strategies? 2. Is there a significant relationship between the number of years of the business and its marketing strategies? Significance of the Study A study such as this enabled the different catering services in the locale to see if their marketing strategies were effective to increase their income. Furthermore, this is also important to all the catering services for this will help them in the promotion of their services using different marketing strategies. With the use of various marketing strategies, catering services may lead to higher income. Moreover, the useful and relevant information acquired from this study may help future researchers in the same field of study. This study will further help the catering services to develop more effective marketing strategies. Related Literature According to Scanlon (2007), the marketing mix includes the marketing strategy elements and may be conducted either as an alternative to the marketing cycle or as a continuing activity in the market process. The marketing mix incorporates the four basic elements into the overall strategy of marketing a product or service. The four basic elements consist of: †¢ a product (product) †¢ the price of the product (price) †¢ the promotion of the product, and (promotion) †¢ the distribution of the product. (place) The product. This is the primary element of the marketing mix, with the other elements adjusting to it depending on the given situation. The product represents a set of tangible and intangible elements used to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers. The product has all the attributes of a service, and it is designated for the market. What is a service, and which are the attributes of a product as a service? A service represents the result of the interaction of three basic elements: the user (guest), equipment (facility), and the service staff (staff). This result should meet the needs of guests (for example, wedding reception). The process of building a service brand is vital to the product as a service. Becoming distinctive in the marketplace and building a brand helps to gain the trust of guests. Product price. The pricing should be based on three key elements: †¢ service demand, †¢ costs incurred in creating services, and †¢ comparing and adjusting prices to those of rivals on the market. Some potential customers are more sensitive to prices than others. For some, price is the single variable on which they base their decision to buy (or not to buy) a product, while others care nothing for the price, as long as it guarantees the quality of services provided. Hence, businesses need to be elastic in pricing. They must carefully monitor the reactions of customers to prices and, accordingly, adjust or change prices depending upon demand. Costs clearly influence the price of a product, and they determine the bottom price below which a business will begin to loss money. Prices should not, however, be overly cost-oriented, and they should not be increased to cover costs. Instead, they should be based on demand and adjusted to changes on the market. Rivals also play an important role in pricing. A business will often be compelled to change its pricing policy as a result of changes in the prices of rivals. Considering how fierce competition is today, it must be analyzed and mon itored. This means that prices, once fixed, cannot be allowed to remain unchanged, but rather, their adjustment to change should be taken as a sign of their flexibility. Product promotion. To promote a product, the business communicates with the market of demand. The market of demand comprises potential customers, various business organisations and organisations belonging to non-economic branches, and media. In promoting a product, a variety of promotional methods are used to present the product to potential customers and attract their attention. Considering the growing number of promotional methods available today in promoting a product, businesses choose to use a combination of promotional elements.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

ESL Beginner Dialogue - Oregon Weather Forecast

ESL Beginner Dialogue - Oregon Weather Forecast Forecasting the weather means that you are predicting what the weather will be. In English, we generally use the future with will to make a prediction. Practice this weather prediction dialogue and then make your own weather predictions. You can use a weather report on the internet, or make up your weather prediction based on what you know about your city. Teachers can find help on teaching future forms to help students learn the differences between will and going to. The Oregon Weather Forecast Weather Forecaster: Good afternoon and welcome to the weather forecast. Lets take a look at the weather outside now. Whats it like? Well, its currently raining and cloudy in southern Oregon while northern Oregon is cold and clear. The sun is shining, but its rather cold up here in the North! The temperature is currently 45 degrees in the southern Oregon and only 30 degrees in the North. Shall we see what the weather will be like tomorrow? Well, it will be rainy in the morning in southern Oregon and windy in northern Oregon. In the afternoon, The South will see cloudy weather with some rain later in the day. Northern Oregon will also see rain turning to snow and quite windy, with winds coming from the North-East. Thats the weather forecast for this afternoon. Have a good day!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Hiring Family essays

Hiring Family essays As partners of a small home-tool manufacturing business, David and Ken, Davids son-in-law, have put all of their energy into their struggling business. As the majority shareholder, David has overseen the product development and manufacturing facets of the business. Ken has been left with the responsibilities of sales, finance, and administration. Many times Ken has told David there has not been enough cash to pay their salaries. One weekend, David decides to review the companys books. He learns that a number of times Ken has taken home a salary when he has told David there was not enough money. In addition, he deliberately did not purchase necessary materials for the business in order to take home a larger salary himself. Stunned by these findings, David does not know whether or not he should confront Ken with these allegations and risk breaking apart his family. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too familiar to many family business owners, yet it does not fairly represent the typical family business. Small business owners are the entrepreneurs who believe in the American Dream. With a lot of ambition and the faith of their families behind them, these people set out to accomplish their dream. Hard work, lots of sweat, and many long hours later most of these determined souls reach it. The following will explore the pros and cons of owning a family business when it comes to interpersonal relationships, tax advantages, accumulation of wealth, and the succession of the family business. The interactions of the family members involved in a joint business are the foundation from which the business is built. If there is tension or other forms of strife among the members, the future of the business will not be bright. This means that the family must be open and honest with each other if their business is to succeed. Also, family members must interact on a professional level while at work and in a familial manner when ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Book Of Nod essays

The Book Of Nod essays The preface to this book is very cool. I know that this book is totally fictional, and is in no way real, but the preface makes the book sound like it was written from ancient scrolls and manuscripts that were uncovered through his journies. The preface describes how he was able to get all of the material to write the book. It is incredibly detailed and extreamly vague at the same time if that is possible. With all of the history and this mans travels in the preface, it seems like the book is written from fact and really gives the book a nice read to it. Chapter Two: The Chronicals of Caine This is the begining of Caine's adventure, this story was written in a biblical type of story line. The diffrence from the bible and this book is that instead of focusing on the light, it focuses on the darker side. Instead of god, this book more or less deals and talks of the devil. Caine in this story, just as in the bible, starts off by sacrificing his most prised possetion to god, in this case it happens to be his brother Able. He thinks this to be a fitting sacrifice because he was told to sacrifice that which was most dear to him. Insted of the praise that he thought he would recieve, he was cursed by the god he loved so much. He was cursed into the land of NOD. The land of nothing, the land of balckness. Caine, in this new world, was completely helpless, until he came upon a woman named Lilith. Lilith was able to help him and give him comfort. In doing so, she fell in love with Caine. Caine, later, was vistited by the archangels of god. First was the archangel Michel. Micheal offered himforgiveness, Caine's responce was "I shall not be forgiven by god but by my own strength." With this responce Caine was further cursed. God set onto him the curse that "For ever more fire shall bite you and take thy flesh openly." Making him even more effected by fire than normal mortals. The next archangel to come was Rapheal. Again, Caine was...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Brand image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brand image - Essay Example Using Microsoft as an example, the study focuses on image branding in relation to benefits that come alongside proper use of image brands. Whereas the current brand image of the Apple Company is that of an apple, for a long time, Microsoft Logo has been that of a four-paned window. Although the company frequently improves it by changing its fonts as well as improving imagery and colors, has not lost the reputation. According to studies, companies that have well respected brands not only do they withstand competition but also attract many consumers. It is therefore evident that a brand is similar to an asset; this is because through it, apart from having great financial value, a company also becomes more powerful in the field of business (Web Notes 1). According to research, when it comes to product categories, leading brands usually top the list, normally in relation to profitability. In most cases, established brands normally come up with effective communication tools in the field of business. For instance, apart from charging more for their products, these companies spend less capital in marketing; this is because the brand does most of the work when it comes to marketing (Web Notes 1). For a company to be on top of the game when it comes to wooing consumers, it ought to be frequently improving its image. This is because when an image is not dynamic, it normally portrays a negative image for a company. Since new companies are ever on the rise, frequent improving of brands is normally beneficial for a company. For instance, Microsoft has recently been in the limelight for its new brand image. During his first public appearance, Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella clearly stated that the company was in the process of coming up with an image overhaul (Edwards 1). In an unveiling ceremony for ipad’s Microsoft office, Julia White was the talk of social media sites, this was due to her stylish jacket. According to Edwards (1), already there are numerous

Friday, October 18, 2019

WHAT I LEARNED IN THE CLASS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WHAT I LEARNED IN THE CLASS - Essay Example As the word TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More, a team leader needs to be proactive for efficient management of the relationship among the teammates and with the external members. I learned that to achieve organizational goals, the leader or manager needs to carefully define the duties and responsibilities for each employee and also standardize method of executing the tasks. Duties and responsibilities are defined by training, teaching and developing each worker to do the right job. The environment is constantly changing, and businesses have no control over the external environment. Businesses can only influence the internal environment and they require a framework of legal, social, political, economic and cultural factors. The internal factors include policies and plans, workers, business objectives and other factors with the business or organization. For the businesses to remain competitive, the managers need actively plan, organize, provide directions and coordinate the activities to adapt to the changing environment. For businesses to thrive, managers must achieve performance targets set by the business. The managers achieve these goals by focusing on their jobs and by motivating their subordinates. Working together as a team is important for the quality of output, retention and morale. It increases the productivity, improves quality, reduces costs and enhances speed. According to Frederick Brook in his book, The Mythical Man-Month, the time an individual takes to accomplish a task can be reduced by hiring more workers to assist in the completion of the job. An effective team has continual feedback on its performance, focuses on performance and has skilled members. Sometimes the team may fail due to lack of effective communication, proper chattering and goal setting, clear roles and trust. In a team environment, managers and

The Nazi Party Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Nazi Party - Essay Example Several reasons lie behind the rise and support of the Nazi party. Contemporary historians argue that Nazi rose as a result of: Hitler’s mesmerizing skills and personality, the party’s effective use of propaganda, the challenges faced by the republic of Weimar, Hitler’s utilization of the Dolchstoss myth, the great depression encountered by the Germany people, and their fear of communism, attracted a massive support in 1920s. Hitler had an ability to grasp his audience’s attention by use of his speeches. People could always listen to him and appreciate the sense in his talk. The most remarkable ability of this leader was to capture the mood of his audience by allowing free admission to his speeches unlike his opponents. Logically, the fact that Hitler was much of a popular and eloquent speaker was a reason behind Nazi’s attraction to growing support during the 1920s. His impressive nature was the key contributing factor to the party’s elector al success in the late twenties. Even though the war was no more, the fondness and militarism for military tradition retained its strength in Germany. The Nazis attracted enormous interest with the help of their processions, sheer energy, leaflets, and military bands in appealing to the soft spot, which most Germans possessed, for the Prussian armed forces style, with pride and discipline (Bottaro 2001, 234).. The marches by the Nazi storm troopers were very impressive and had a massive presence. The prospect of these parades stimulated emotions among the people of Germany, and those who honored the militaristic principles that Germany had stood for in the past supported Hitler at their best. Hitler had a brilliant grip of propaganda principles, ahead of most of his opponents. His propagandists portrayed him as a savior, who could battle the working class and large businesses on behalf of those ignored by the community. One of Hitler’s main propaganda specialists, Dr. Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a â€Å"contemporary monk† who worked industriously for his country. This gives a perfect illustration of how the media was used by the Nazi party to convince Germans of Hitler’s superlative leadership credentials, which in turn boosted the party’s support and growth. Hitler intellectually manipulated the media in order to be portrayed in the most affirmative light possible. Consequently, Germans were efficiently brainwashed ( Hehn 2005, 22). Hitler assured restoration of honor to the Germans, to bring back work and wages, and to renew political order. Before the world depression that began around 1928, he dedicated much of his political energy to the middle class. Even though the Nazis found it very hard to attract efficient support for those groups that stood by socialist parties like KPD and SDP, Germany experienced an agricultural disparity that pre-empted the international depression that came afterwards, and Hitler turned his a ttention to rural citizens, who would be in need for somebody to look into their problems. With such promises in their minds, German’s middle class had to support the Nazi party so that they could get those promises fulfilled. The impoverished small farmers, skilled workers, peasants, and rural traders were promised a reconstruction of farming enterprises and abolition of numerous taxes. The Nazis referred to peasants as having true German blood with true German life yet they

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Classifying Cultures Generalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Classifying Cultures Generalization - Essay Example This means that people will judge others based on the information they get from the media or any other source instead of trying to learn about them. This is because people will not take effort in trying to learn through experience, the behaviors of other groups, but they will assume what they have heard about them represents the entire group or culture. Generalization will have the effect of causing stereotyping and prejudice since it judges individuals as a group instead of trying to understand the individual characteristics. The common American notion that people of the Muslim or Arabic culture are terrorists is false. After the September 11 attacks on the world trade center, the American government set up strategies on the war against terrorists and initiated the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. There are many differences in these wars, but they are all associated with war of the Americans against Muslims in their effort to do away with terrorism. This war has raised questions such a s what the attitudes of the Americans are about Muslims living in the states and whether these attitudes will help in the war against terrorism. These attacks were conducted by the Al-Qaeda group and caused many deaths of the American citizens (Sides & Gross, 1). The group has also been associated with other terrorist attacks all over the world and the war on the group was started in order to create security in the world. After theses attacks, politics was based on the war against terrorism and this changed the attitudes of Americans against people of the Muslim descent. Most Americans have associated Islam with terrorism since the Al-Qaeda group is from the Muslim culture and they see Islam religion as a weak one. Islam followers and mostly people of the Arabic descent started being seen as violent people and they were sidelined as the violent extremists. President Bush signed the Islamo-Facists bill, and this changed the attitude of some Americans on people of the Islam religion d espite the fact that it was war on some Muslims engaging in terrorism (Sides & Gross, 1). In the minds of some Americans, this created generalization, which implicated Muslims. Despite the efforts to separate the terrorist groups from the entire Muslim community, people still have derogatory attitudes towards Muslims and associate any Muslim they come across to be a terrorist. Research data shows that most Americans have the stereotypes of Muslims as aggressive and they do not trust them (Darren, 27). The Americans perceive Muslims negatively and they believe that their goals are not compatible. Media has emphasized on the negative intentions over the years and it has played a crucial role in heightening the generalization of the Muslim culture. Media dose not directly implicate Muslims with terrorism, but it has contributed to the perception on the Americans of Muslims being hostile. Research shows that most news coverage involving Muslims tend to cover stories associated with war and crisis (Sides & Gross, 3). After the attacks on the world trade centre, the war against terrorism is seen to have been directed towards Muslims and people of the Arab descent. Most of the depictions of the Muslims have been negative since then, and this has caused Muslims living in the United States and in other places in the world to be feared and associated with terror (Brigette,

User Frustration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

User Frustration - Assignment Example The other frustration is related to users’ emotional reaction to computing technology; in fact, studies have been conducted on analysis of the effects related to computer systems response time. On the other hand, the slow response time leads to increased frustration and impatient compared to fast response time. There are problem associated with mood disturbances and somatic discomfort, which raises linearity based on the amount of duration spent in the process of undertaking the procedure of data entry. Nevertheless, frustrations arising from the independence of system response duration can be solved through use of method involved in pay knowledge bases of fast web-based databases (Lazar, 2001). On the other hand, the users can consider using technical information for optimization of information collection, organization and retrieving of data. Besides, they can consider using alternative support mechanisms, which involve helpdesks service lines, which offer access to complete solutions. User Satisfaction and Frustration There are frustrations, which arise from use of lack user satisfaction; in fact, different studies have suggested that there are dependent variables that are applied for assessing the prosperity of technology. In this case, satisfaction is refers to accomplishment of an objective or a task, which is by directed behaviors that are aimed at achieving satisfaction associated with a form of need, desire or want (Jacko, Sears, & Borella, 2000). In this case, frustration emanates for interruptions, which hiders achievement of a given objective. Besides, this refers barriers that are in the path of achieving a given objective. There are both external and internal causes of frustrations through hindrances of achieving a given objective. Therefore, this can be expressed in terms of the frustration which arises when a user is prevented from achieving their anticipated result, which would have led to a satisfaction (Lazar & Norcio, 2002). Nevertheless, this is a problem that can be solved in fo cusing on ways to achieve satisfaction in the task involved despite presence of frustration. For instance, this is a problem that can be solved by seeking assistance from a help desk, which is a department that is established in a company or institution with an aim of responding to technical questions. In this case, they can handle problems, which are

BTK (DENIS RADER) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

BTK (DENIS RADER) - Research Paper Example Once he came back from the Air Force, he took up a job in the meat department of a grocery store. He lived separate from his parents. In 1973 he married Paula Dietz who was a secretary at the local hospital. They had 2 children together. According to Rader, he had a good marriage with his wife for the first 30 years. After 34 years of marriage, his wife filed for divorce on grounds of his mental health being unstable, after which Rader was arrested. People had mixed views of Denis Rader in their community. Some found him proud, rude and confrontational, while others found him to be to be a nice, friendly guy. As a child, Rader was very highly sexually active. Not in the sense that he performed sexual acts as a child (it is known that he graduated from high school as a virgin), but he would be easily provoked by spankings from his mother. He even had Sexual magazines and would sketch his sexual fantasies on paper. He would break into people’s homes when no one was there and wou ld steal ladies underwear. Peeping and breaking into homes had become more frequent during the age of 14 till 21. The first killings he ever made as a child was of dogs and cats, by strangling them to death. Throughout his childhood, Rader was known to be a poor student who preferred isolation. He enjoyed the torturing of animals and gathering of erotic pictures of women instead of making friends. He modified these pictured he collected adding gags, chains and ropes to the pictures to sexually please himself with the idea of torture. The only 2 social activities that Rader ever indulged in were either his duties in the church or during his training as a boy scout. While he was in the boy scouts, he quickly learnt the art of tying knots, which helped him later on when he bound his victims before killing them (McClellan, 2010). Once BTK’s violent streak grasped him, there was nothing that could stop him. From 1974 till 1991, BTK Dennis Rader was responsible for killing 10 women in Wichita, Kansas. He was known to tie up his victims, torture them and then kill them. Hence the name BTK, Bind, Torture and Kill Dennis would collect personal items from his victims as souvenirs, after killing them. He even sent letters to the police and newspapers after his killings. The first letter that the police received from BTK was in 1974 after his first killing of the Otero family, that very year. His second letter, sent in 1978, was clearly a stunt for attention from the media. His letter was addressed to a television station as BTK, after which the name became famous for the serial killer. Dennis was even a writer of poems. His poems often contained descriptions of how he imagined his victims’ killings and some poems were even written with intent to be sent to his own victims. Dennis last made contact with the media in 2005. Forensic software discovered that the Microsoft Word document which was deleted had metadata that contained the phrase ‘Christ Luthe ran Church’ and the name ‘Dennis’ for when it was last modified. The church website then showed Dennis Rader as the church president, after which the authorities started investigation on Dennis Rader. The police obtained a warrant for collecting DNA samples of Rader’s daughter. This DNA sample matched with the semen that authorities found in one of the earlier BKT killing victims. This gave the authorities a lead on the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Roman Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roman Republic - Essay Example But having said that, in case the three parties contradict with each other, then living in Rome could become like running on thorns. As explained, each party controls crucial departments which are integral for the development of economy in Rome. If the consuls do not agree with the decisions of the senate then the country’s security would be in trouble causing the businesses running in the country, to fear for their lives. Similarly if the senate refuses to pay for working committee, then the revenue of the country could get a deep hemorrhage resulting in large number of people losing out on their jobs. On the other hand, If people fail to execute their rights properly by acknowledging committed performances from their compatriots or punishing the guilty properly or even if they contradict with the senate with regard to ramifications or penalties, then that could also ruin the lives of people as those carrying out illegal activities may feel even more comfortable knowing that the government is not providing proper penalties. On a personal opinion, as mentioned above, the rules and regulations, the policies, all could become the best ones available only if the three parties of the government work in unison.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

BTK (DENIS RADER) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

BTK (DENIS RADER) - Research Paper Example Once he came back from the Air Force, he took up a job in the meat department of a grocery store. He lived separate from his parents. In 1973 he married Paula Dietz who was a secretary at the local hospital. They had 2 children together. According to Rader, he had a good marriage with his wife for the first 30 years. After 34 years of marriage, his wife filed for divorce on grounds of his mental health being unstable, after which Rader was arrested. People had mixed views of Denis Rader in their community. Some found him proud, rude and confrontational, while others found him to be to be a nice, friendly guy. As a child, Rader was very highly sexually active. Not in the sense that he performed sexual acts as a child (it is known that he graduated from high school as a virgin), but he would be easily provoked by spankings from his mother. He even had Sexual magazines and would sketch his sexual fantasies on paper. He would break into people’s homes when no one was there and wou ld steal ladies underwear. Peeping and breaking into homes had become more frequent during the age of 14 till 21. The first killings he ever made as a child was of dogs and cats, by strangling them to death. Throughout his childhood, Rader was known to be a poor student who preferred isolation. He enjoyed the torturing of animals and gathering of erotic pictures of women instead of making friends. He modified these pictured he collected adding gags, chains and ropes to the pictures to sexually please himself with the idea of torture. The only 2 social activities that Rader ever indulged in were either his duties in the church or during his training as a boy scout. While he was in the boy scouts, he quickly learnt the art of tying knots, which helped him later on when he bound his victims before killing them (McClellan, 2010). Once BTK’s violent streak grasped him, there was nothing that could stop him. From 1974 till 1991, BTK Dennis Rader was responsible for killing 10 women in Wichita, Kansas. He was known to tie up his victims, torture them and then kill them. Hence the name BTK, Bind, Torture and Kill Dennis would collect personal items from his victims as souvenirs, after killing them. He even sent letters to the police and newspapers after his killings. The first letter that the police received from BTK was in 1974 after his first killing of the Otero family, that very year. His second letter, sent in 1978, was clearly a stunt for attention from the media. His letter was addressed to a television station as BTK, after which the name became famous for the serial killer. Dennis was even a writer of poems. His poems often contained descriptions of how he imagined his victims’ killings and some poems were even written with intent to be sent to his own victims. Dennis last made contact with the media in 2005. Forensic software discovered that the Microsoft Word document which was deleted had metadata that contained the phrase ‘Christ Luthe ran Church’ and the name ‘Dennis’ for when it was last modified. The church website then showed Dennis Rader as the church president, after which the authorities started investigation on Dennis Rader. The police obtained a warrant for collecting DNA samples of Rader’s daughter. This DNA sample matched with the semen that authorities found in one of the earlier BKT killing victims. This gave the authorities a lead on the

Continuing Academic Success Essay Example for Free

Continuing Academic Success Essay Of course everyone wants to be successful! It takes 100% of effort and determination to be successful. Maintaining believable goals keeps you on track for the road of success. If you keep your goals in mind, you will not astray from them. Achieving goals that you have set for yourself is your responsibility. It is easy to get distracted from your academic goals, if they are not maintained on a daily basis. Continuing academic success has helped numerous of students succeed. Continuing academic success means to have an advantage by resuming academic growth in an educational environment. Success is the ability to plan, be persistent, set goals, and accomplish them. There are so many fundamentals for continuing academic success, in which your attitude has a great impact on your academic structure. Accomplishing academic goals are an advantage for growth and numerous opportunities. Continuing your academic success is important in which you conduct research to gain knowledge. Another important necessity needed for success is to set goals. The best decision any person could make is to plan ahead for your desired position in life. Applying skills from your resources in or outside of school can also help you to be successful. Gaining Knowledge Acknowledging your learning style gives you insight on how to obtain a constructive pattern towards success. There are 3 different modes of learning styles which are visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. In visual mode, you can describe your learning preferences if you can learn by pictures, Shapes, sculpture, or paintings. Some individuals prefer learning by gestures, body movements, object manipulation and positing, which is kinesthetic. Last but not least, there is the auditory mode which includes  listening, rhythms, tone and chants. According to, Alsop Ryan, 1996, learning styles have a profound impact on learning. Personal awareness of learning styles and confidence in communicating this is the first steps towards achieving an optimal learning environment. (Alsop Ryan, 1996.) Discovering your personal learning style helps you with your skill development. This also gives you personal awareness and helps you to utilize your thinking skills effectively. Knowing your learning style helps you to navigate through your career and helps you to be in control of your own success. For instance, Omrod, 2008, p.106 wrote, â€Å"Some cognitive styles and dispositions do seem to influence how and what information is presented through words (verbal learners), whereas others seem to learn better when it’s presented through pictures (visual learners)†. Thus educational psychology students and aspiring teachers are being taught that students have particular learning styles and that these styles should be accommodated by instruction tailored to those learning styles. Having knowledge of my personal learning style helps me to make better judgments, when deciding on my point of view on a particular subject. I believe that being a visual learner, is a great way to learn. Most things people know is by seeing with their eyes and watching. When watching, it’s easier to learn a lot about people and things that are beneficial to you. I learn a lot about my surroundings and things about myself, being a visual learner. It is easy for me to organize information, define problems and develop theories. I believe being a visual learner is a strong asset because it helps me achieve on higher levels on a daily basis in everyday life. It is more convenient, well an advantage to know your learning style and to utilize it. Setting Goals Success comes from acquiring a positive mentality, preparing and focusing on desired goals. Success is making the best choices to prevent failure and to succeed. Success requires a challenge and commitment and helps an individual to accomplish goals. It is based on Ryan (1970) premise that conscious goals affect action. A goal is the object or aim of an action, for example, to attain a specific standard of proficiency, usually within a specified time limit. As industrial-organizational psychologists, our  primary interest has been to predict, explain, and influence performance on organizational or work-related tasks. Thus, we focused on the relationship between conscious performance goals and level of task performance rather than on discrete intentions to take specific actions (e. g. , to apply to graduate school, to get a medical examination). According to Dobbins, Pettman, 1997, Set Goals It’s mandatory to set goals, so that you can be successful. Goal setting can help an individual tremendously because they can set short term goals and accomplish them. I have many goals, dreams and aspirations†¦ My lifetime goal is to become a CEO of a 500 fortune company 10 years from now. Setting short term goals can help me achieve my long term goals and get closer to my dreams. Setting goals can also give me a peace of mind and keep me focused . Time management gives you the opportunity to get a lot done throughout the day. Eventually you will be able to accomplish small to larger tasks. Setting goals and managing time, you would surely achieve your set goals. Skills that you learn daily from school or your personal life can be used as transferable skills that will help you advance at being successful. We know that success is derived from both knowledge and positive mental attitude. We also know that failure is strongly associated with lack of knowledge and negative attitudes. Focusing upon desired goals stimulates excitement and enthusiasm, which are in turn strongly associated with positive mental attitude. Very few people are prepared t o set goals. Most people are not prepared to learn more or make the necessary efforts to be more positive. Apply Skills The writing process helps you advance in your education and career because it’s easy to brain storm. Applying knowledge you gain will always be beneficial. Academic integrity is important you are taking responsibility for your work. As far as conducting research and citing information where you have found your sources. Plagiarism a complex concept, argues Sutherland-Smith, who isolates six elements of plagiarism (pp. 70-3) from the work of Peccorari (2002): language borrowed or stolen source, by whom, without acknowledgement, with or without intent to deceive. Plagiarism comes with consequences if one isn’t careful. There is a possibility of being expelled from school. Conclusion Continuing academic success is a great path to take. On continuing your education you learn to gain knowledge, set goals and apply what you have learned. Knowing your learning style will also help you to achieve in being successful! References Dobbins, R., Pettman, B. O. (1997). Set goals. Equal Opportunities International, 16(6/7), 9-43. ProQuest Central. Robertson, L., Smellie, T., Wilson, P. (2011, March). Learning Styles and Fieldwork Education: Students perspectives. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58(1), 36-40. ProQuest Central. Ryan, T. A. (1970). Intentional behavior. New York: Ronald Press White, G. (2009) ). Plagiarism: The internet and student learning-improving academic integrity. Australian Journal of Education,53(2), 209-211

Monday, October 14, 2019

All About Screw Pumps Engineering Essay

All About Screw Pumps Engineering Essay Screw pumps are rotary, positive displacement pumps that can have one or more screws to transfer high or low viscosity fluids along an axis.   A classic example of screw pumps is the Archimedes screw pump that is still used in irrigation and agricultural applications.   Although progressive cavity pumps can be referred to as a single screw pumps, typically screw pumps have two or more intermeshing screws rotating axially clockwise or counterclockwise.   Each screw thread is matched to carry a specific volume of fluid.   Like gear pumps, screw pumps may include a stationary screw with a rotating screw or screws.   Fluid is transferred through successive contact between the housing and the screw flights from one thread to the next.   Geometries can vary.   Screw pumps provide a specific volume with each cycle and can be dependable in metering applications.   The geometries of the single or multiple screws and the drive speed will affect the pumping action required.   The capacity of screw pumps can be calculated based on the dimensions of the pump, the dimensions of the surface of the screws, and the rotational speed of the rotor since a specific volume is transferred with each revolution.   In applications where multiple rotors are used, the load is divided between a number of rotating screws.   The casing acts as the stator when two or more rotors are used.   Based upon the needs of the application, timed or untimed rotors may be chosen. Untimed rotors are simpler in design.   The combination of factors relating to the drive speed, flow, and the characteristics of the fluid transferred may affect the flow rate and volume fed through each cavity. In water and wastewater treatment applications, a less viscous solution will require a lower power drive compared to untreated sewage, excess sludge, or concentrated slurries, which may require a higher power motor.   The viscosity of the fluid transferred and the lift required may affect the speed and power required.   Indicators of pump malfunction include decrease in flow rate or increased noise. The efficiency of screw pumps requires that each rotor turns at a rate that allows each cavity to fill completely in order to work at full capacity.   Theory Screw pumps are a unique type of rotary positive displacement pump in which the flow through the pumping elements is truly axial. The liquid is carried between the screw threads on one or more rotors. The liquid is then displaced axially as the screws rotate and mesh. In other types of rotary pumps, the liquid is forced to travel circumferentially, however the screw pump has an axial flow pattern and low internal velocities. It provides a number of advantages in many applications where liquid agitation or churning is objectionable. Screw pumps are classified as two different types: the single rotor and the multiple rotor. The multiple rotor is further divided into timed and untimed categories. Timed rotors rely on outside means for phasing the mesh of the threads and for supporting the forces acting on the rotors. Untimed rotors rely on precision and accuracy of the screw forms for proper mesh and transmission of rotation (Fraser, et. al., 1986.). History: The screw pump is the oldest type of pump. The first applications, dating back to the third century B.C., included irrigation and land drainage. The screw pump is thought to have been first used in Egypt (Ewbank, 1972). After several other types of pumps were invented, the screw pump was not used as much because these other pumps could handle higher head capacities. However, later it was found that these pumps could not handle wastewater like the screw pump could. Because of this, the screw pump became widely used for such an application. The Dutch were the first to design a spiral lift screw in 1955. After this, double screw units were put into operation for flood control in the Netherlands and in municipal sewage installations in Europe. Based on excellent results from the pumps used in Europe, the trend extended to Canada and United States and are currently used today (Cheremisinoff, et. al., 1992) [2]. How a Screw Pump Works: Screw pumps for power transmission systems are generally used only on submarines. Although low in efficiency and expensive, the screw pump is suitable for high   pressures   (3000   psi),   and delivers   Ã‚  fluid   Ã‚  with   Ã‚  little   Ã‚  noise   Ã‚  or   Ã‚  pressure pulsation. Screw   pumps   are   available   in   several   different designs;   however,   they   all   operate   in   a   similar manner.   In   a   fixed-displacement   rotary-type   screw pump (fig. 1, view A), fluid is propelled axially in   a   constant,   uniform   flow   through   the   action of just three moving parts-a power rotor and two idler   rotors.   The   power   rotor   is   the   only   driven element,   extending   outside   the   pump   casing   for power   connections   to   an   electrical   motor.   The idler  rotors   are   turned   by   the   power   rotor   throu gh the   Ã‚  action   Ã‚  of   Ã‚  the   Ã‚  meshing   Ã‚  threads.   Ã‚  The   Ã‚  fluid pumped   between   the   meshing   helical   threads   of the idler and power rotors provides a protective film to prevent metal-to-metal contact. The idler rotors   perform   no   work;   therefore,   they   do   not need to be connected by gears to transmit power. The   enclosures   formed   by   the   meshing   of   the rotors inside the close clearance housing contain the fluid being pumped. As the rotors turn, these enclosures   move   axially,   providing   a   continuous flow.   Effective performance   is   based   on   the following   Ã‚  factors: The rolling action obtained with the thread design   of   the   rotors   is   responsible   for   the   very quiet pump operation. The symmetrical pressure loading   around   the   power   rotor   eliminates   the need   for   radial   bearings   because   there   are   no radial   loads.   The   cartridge-type   ball   bearing   in   the pump   positions   the   power   rotor   for   proper   seal operation.   The   axial   loads   on   the   rotors   created by discharge pressure are hydraulically balanced. The key to screw pump performance is the operation   of   the   idler   rotors   in   their   housing bores. The idler rotors generate a hydrodynamic film   to   support   themselves   in   their   bores   like journal bearings. Since this film is self-generated, it   depends   on   three   operating   characteristics   of the   pump-speed,   discharge   pressure,   and   fluid viscosity. The strength of the film is increased by increasing   the   operating   speed,   by   decreasing pressure, or by increasing the fluid viscosity. This is why screw pump performance capabilities are based   on   pump   speed,   discharge   pressure,   and fluid   viscosity. The supply line is connected at the center of the pump housing in some pumps (fig. 1, view B).   Fluid   enters   into   the   pumps   suction   port, which   opens   into   chambers   at   the   ends   of   the screw assembly. As the screws turn, the fluid flows between the threads at each end of the assembly. The   threads   carry   the   fluid   along   within   the housing   toward   the   center   of   the   pump to the discharge port [1]. Three Basic Types : Single Screw The single screw pump is more commonly known as the Archimedean screw. It is quite large; typical dimensions include a diameter of 12 inches or greater, and a length up to about 50 feet. It is normally used as a water-raising pump with the screw arranged at an angle of 30 degrees. It can also be used for handling liquids containing solids in suspension with either vertical lift or horizontal transport. The design of single screw pumps allows very little fracturing of particles and little abrasion damage to the pump. One disadvantage is the considerable bulk necessary to achieve high capacities since rotational speeds are of the order of 30-60 rpm (Warring, 1984) [5]. Intermeshing Screw Pump The intermeshing screw pump is commonly called a rigid-screw pump. This type of pump is suitable for a wide range of sizes, and can be run at high speeds. The larger screw pumps are used for bulk handling of oils and similar fluids. The basic type is suitable for handling most clean fluids with low flow velocities and at low heads (Warring, 1984)[5]. Eccentric screw pump The eccentric screw pump is versatile. It is capable of handling a variety of liquids and products with high efficiency. It comprises of a rigid screw form rotor rolling in a resilient internal helical stator of hard or soft rubber with a moderately eccentric motion. It can handle viscous liquids, slurries, pastes, solids in suspension, and delicate products. This is because of the low flow velocities through the pump (Warring, 1984)[5]. Applications: There are several applications of the screw pump that include a wide range of markets: utilities fuel oil service, industrial oil burners, lubricating oil service, chemical processes, petroleum and crude oil industries, power hydraulics, and many others (Fraser, et. al., 1986). Listed below are some typical situations where a screw pump is used. The benefits of using a screw pump in each of these situations are discussed (Cheremisinoff, et. al., 1992)[2]. Raw sewage lift stations: Can handle variety of raw sewage influent, are non-clogging, require little attention, are resistant to motor overloads, and are not affected by running dry Sewage plant lift stations: Used for sewage lifts up to 40 feet and have self-regulating lift capacity (Normal lifts are 30 feet, while high lifts are 40 feet high.) Return activated sludge: Little floc disintegration, nonturbulent discharge into effluent channel, low horsepower requirements, improved activated sludge treatment. Stormwater pumping: Are ideal because of large capacity at low heads, no prescreening necessary Land Drainage: Used for flood control, can pump large volumes of water over levees. Capacity : The delivered capacity of any screw pump is the theoretical capacity minus the internal leakage. In order to find the capacity of a screw pump the speed of the pump must be known. The delivered capacity of any rotary screw pump can be increased several different ways. The capacity can be increased by simply increasing the speed, increasing the viscosity, or decreasing the differential pressure. The capacity of the pump depends on several factors (Cheremisinoff, et. al., 1992)[2]: Diameter of the screw Speed of the screw Number of flights mounted on the screw shaft Flights: Single, double, and triple flights are often used. Flights are also known as helixes. With each increase in flights, there is a 20% increase in capacity. Therefore, a single flight pump has a capacity that is 80% of a double flight pump, which in turn has a capacity that is 80% of a triple flight capacity. The three-flight pump can handle the most capacity in the least amount of space. Angle of inclination of the screw The greater the angle of inclination, the lower the output. The output lowers approximately 3% for every degree increase over a 22 inclination. Level of influent in the influent chamber Ratio of the diameter of the screw shaft to the outside diameter of the screw flights Clearance between screw flights and trough Advantages : Wide range of flows and pressures Wide range of liquids and viscosities Built-in variable capacity High speed capability allowing freedom of driver selection Low internal velocities Self-priming with good suction characteristics High tolerance for entrained air and other gases Minimum churning or foaming Low mechanical vibration, pulsation-free flow, and quiet operation Rugged, compact design easy to install and maintain High tolerance to contamination in comparison with other rotary pumps (Fraser, et. al., 1986)[4]. Disadvantages : Relatively high cost because of close tolerances and running clearances Performance characteristics sensitive to viscosity change High pressure capability requires long pumping elements (Fraser, et. al., 1986)[4]. Characteristics and Efficiency of Screw Pumps: The screw pump has a number of very important advantages compared with centrifugal due to recovery of velocity head at the discharge pumps. In order, however, to appreciate fully pipe are not as great, what the screw pump will do as compared with the centrifugal pump, particularly for low head operation, it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the characteristic curves of both types of pumps. The three curves which are reproduced here show an actual comparison between a screw pump and a 36-in. centrifugal pump. A great deal of care has been taken to make this comparison as fair as possible; but owing to the dissimilarity of the characteristics of the two pumps, a perfect comparison is practically impossible. For this reason , wherever it is impossible to make the conditions coincide exactly for the two different pumps, the centrifugal pump has been given every advantage, yet even under rather severe handicaps, the screw still maintains its supremacy under low head conditions. The combined curve shown in Fig. 3 illustrates that at all heads lower than 12.6 ft. the screw pump is the more efficient of the two pumps. It will be noticed that the 42-in. centrifugal has not been compared with the 42-in. screw pump because the screw pumps are designed for such very low heads that the suction and discharge sizes are made larger than the connections for centrifugal pumps which handle the same capacity. In other words, the 42-in. centrifugal pump would have a capacity so much greater than that of the 42-in. screw that comparison would be impossible. All of the total heads which are shown in the three curves are total dynamic heads, and this includes the velocity head. Therefore, the water delivered from the screw pump is moving at a lower velocity because of the size of pipe, and hence it is in a more usable form. The entrance losses of the suction pipe and the losses due to recovery of velocity head at the discharge pipe are not as great. It has often been stated that the speed of a screw pump can be much higher than that of a centrifugal operating under the same conditions. These curves demonstrate this beyond a doubt. It will be noted that the centrifugal pump operates at 224 r.p.m., while the screw pump operates at a speed more than 50 per cent in excess of this, namely, 360 r.p.m. The advantage in the cost and the efficiency of a motor for operating these two pumps is distinctly in favor of the screw pump. Furthermore, the screw pump is a much lighter pump, requiring less expensive foundations, and it is easier to install. The 42-in. screw pump weighs 9,000 pounds, while the 36-in. centrifugal pump weighs 21,000 pounds. This shows that the body of the screw pump is much smaller than that of the centrifugal pump in spite of the fact that the pipe sizes are larger than the latter. In addition to this, the arrangement for pumping over levees, or between canals at different levels, is much more simple for the screw pu mp than for the centrifugal pump. The property through which the canal runs is always long and narrow and the screw pump, together with its prime mover, makes a long narrow installation which lends itself to the shape of the property in which it is to be installed. The centrifugal pump is usually a more costly pump to produce than the screw pump, and this is especially true of the pump with the characteristics shown in Fig. 2 because of the fact that this 36-in. pump has a Francis runner. The Francis runner is known for its efficiency at low heads and in this case the curve reaches the unusually high maximum point of 90 per cent. This is partly due to the special design and partly due to the very careful workmanship and careful testing of the unit in question. The screw pump, on the other hand, had a caststeel runner whose surfaces were only partially smooth. No great effort was made to bring up its point of maximum efficiency, and therefore it does not exceed 76 per cent at any point. Yet, even in the face of these handicaps of workmanship and finish on the particular units which were selected for this comparison, the screw pump is shown to be inherently a more efficient pump at low heads. It does not take a great deal of imagination to see how the screw pump efficiency curve of Fig. 3 would compare with the centrifugal pump efficiency curve had its blades been made of bronze and highly polished so as to reach a maximum point somewhere above 80 per cent. The curves shown in Fig. 3 are out of the ordinary in that they are plotted against the total head rather than against the conventional gallons per minute. This is done because the comparisons are at low heads rather than at a given capacity. By using this method of plotting, it can readily be observed that at low heads the efficiencies of the two pumps can be read directly from the chart. For example, at a head of 6 ft. the efficiency of the screw pump is 57 per cent while that of the centrifugal pump is only 42 per cent. This same information could be taken from the other curves but it would be inconvenient to do so. To get the efficiency from Fig. 1 it is necessary first to read the capacity. At 6 ft. the capacity is approximately 37,000 g.p.m. The efficiency is quite indefinite on account of the steepness of the curve; but it is apparent that it checks approximately with the reading given in Fig. 3; namely, 57 per cent. Also in Fig. 2 it is necessary first to read the capacity and then the efficiency, which checks with Fig. 3 and is 42 per cent. In addition to this, Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 would not make a graphical comparison even if plotted on the same sheet. The important point which should be kept in mind is that these curves may not show up the screw pump to advantage when read in their entirety but that at the extreme right where the points of low working heads exist the advantages of the screw pump begin to assert themselves. It is under these conditions that a screw pump should be used. In general, these curves have demonstrated, directly or indirectly, most of the advantages of the screw pump over the centrifugal as follows: Higher efficiency at low heads, higher speed, lighter weight, smaller dimensions, lower first cost, lower cost of installation, cheaper motor, more efficient motor, low head installation. [6].

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Church History :: essays research papers fc

Christianity Begins On a late afternoon, in about the year AD 33, two men were walking from Jerusalem to the nearby village of Emmaus. Their conversation centered on events that had occurred the previous week. As they journeyed, a stranger who seemed ignorant of these events joined them. Surprised, they asked him: "Are you the only person staying in Jerusalem not to know what has happened there in the last few days?" So they explained to him about a certain Jesus of Nazareth, "a prophet powerful in speech and action before God and the whole people. Our chief priests and rulers handed him over to the Roman authorities to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him. But we were hoping that he was the man to liberate Israel." Even more amazing, they went on to say, were reports from some women who visited his tomb that he was alive again, raised from the dead. Suddenly the stranger spoke: "How dull-witted you two are! And how slow to believe all that the prophets said. Was not th e messiah bound to suffer thus before entering upon his glory?" Then he went on to clarify from the Hebrew scriptures all the passages that referred to himself. For the stranger was Jesus of Nazareth, of whom the two had been speaking. Based on the life, death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ there has developed the world's largest religion, Christianity. Expectation and Reality The two men on the road to Emmaus were not simple common folk. They were a selected group of twelve followers, called disciples or learners, of Jesus who had known him for at least three years. During this period they had listened to all he said and had witnessed his amazing actions, such as healing the sick, giving sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf and even bringing people back to life. They had become convinced that he was the Messiah who was to redeem Israel. Israel wanted and expected redemption. This small Jewish nation, located in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, had for centuries looked forward to a time when their God would, through some decisive action, free them from outside oppression and establish Israel as the preeminent nation in the world. The word messiah means "the lord's anointed," someone God has set aside for a specific task. Christians believe that Jesus, from the small town of Nazareth in Galilee, was that Messiah.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of Polyglutamine Expansions in Huntington’s Disease Essay

‘Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by personality changes, motor impairment and subcortical dementia. It is associated with a selective neuronal cell death occurring primarily in the cortex and striatum.’ (Scherzinger et al, 1997). HD causes emotional problems, uncontrolled movements and the loss of thinking ability. It can lead to disability and death from the illness. There are two forms of this disease: adult-onset and early-onset (juvenile). Adult onset is by the far most common for HD; symptoms develop at mid 30s/40s, an individual will live an average of 20 years after symptoms and signs begin. Premature signs and symptoms are depression, involuntary movements, trouble learning new information, poor coordination and balance; this can all progress very severely. When HD develops into twitching or jerking this is referred as Chorea. HD can be referred to Huntington Chorea. ‘HD usually has a mid-life onset, but a juvenile form, defined by onset of symptoms before the age of 21 years, is present in about 7% of HD cases.’ (Nance, 2001) It has similar symptoms however the disease progresses more quickly than adult onset form. Gente (1985) results showed findings by others, that the most juvenile-onset patients inherit the gene from their fathers and that the late-onset form is more frequently inherited from affected mothers. ‘The disorder is caused by CAG/polyglutamine (poly Q) repeat expansions in the first exon of a gene encoding a large ~350 kDa protein of unknown function.’ (Scherzinger et al, 1997) Zhang et al state that due to the expansion of polyQ repeats within the protein causes neurodegenerative disease. Expansion of CAG repeats coding f... ..., C. and Bates, G, P. (2004). Huntingtin and the molecular pathogenesis of Huntington’s disease. EMBO reports 5. 958-963 Nance, M, A. and Myers, R, H. (2001) Panov, A, V., Gutekunst, C., Leavitt, B, R., Hayden, M, R., Burke, J, R., Strittmatter, W, J. And Greenamyre, J, T. (2002) Early mitochondrial calcium defects in Huntington’s Disease are a direct effect of Polyglutamines. Nature neuroscience. Volume 5 no 8 Ross, C, A. (2002). Polyglutamine Pathogenesis: Emergence of Unifying Mechanism for Huntington’s Disease and Related Disorders. Neuron, Vol. 35,819-822. Scherzinger, E., Lurz, R., Turmaine, M., Mangiarini, L., Hollenbach, Birgit., Hasenbank, R., Bates, G, P., Davies, S, W., Lehrach, H and Wanker, E, E. (1997). Huntington-Encoded Polyglutamine Expansions Form Amyloid-like Protein Aggregates In Vitro and In Vivo. Cell, Vol.90, 549-558. Zhang,