Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Awakening :: essays research papers

Edna Pontellier The Awakening, which was written by Kate Chopin, received a great deal of criticism when it was first published in 1899. Much of the controversy over the novel arose because of the character of Edna Pontellier. Edna was very much unlike the women of her time. In today's terms she would be considered a rebel. Edna opposed the traditional roles of society that kept many restraints on the women of the 1800's. According to traditional society of the 1800's women were assigned the duties of tending the home, caring for their husband, and bearing children. On the other hand, the men of this time were to be considered the authority of the household and were basically in charge of what goes on throughout the household internally and externally as well as mentally and physically. It is Edna's choice to disobey these roles and her need for self-discovery, which cause a shocking end to this adventure to find her true self. In her critique, the female artist in Kate Chopin's The Awakening: Birth and Creativity, Carlene Stone takes the reader through stages of Edna's struggle to become an artist showing direct correlation with her becoming and individual and in control of her own self. For example she states how Robert's encouragement while she is painting is very innocent in the beginning but eventually lead's to the awakening of her passions of her body and her falling in love with Robert. The fact that Edna falls for Robert goes against those societal roles which where followed by some many women of the 1800's. Robert plays a big role in Edna's self-development through artistry and love by being a huge source of imaginative power. Stone then goes on making references to the scene in which she grows tired during Mass and leaves with Robert who takes her to Madame Antoine's home. She states that stories told by Madame Antoine represents the oral tradition of art and that this day is the high point o f Edna's imagination and she will return to it in her memory as she paints. Another form of art in which Stone refers to is structured art, which is supplied by Mme. Reisz. Mme. Reisz plays her music with great feeling and art, which evokes pictures in Eden's mind and her passions of her body, arise once again. These pictures and passions once again contribute greatly to the continuing development of Edna's artistic growth, which continues to lead to her self-discovery.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Early Intervention Reducing Recidivism Among Children

Early Intervention reducing recidivism among children and adolescent offenders Student number: s2875363 Student name: Kate O’Reilly Course name: CCJ10 Introduction to Forensic Psychology Enrollment: External, Griffith University Course convener: Dr. Myesa Knox Mahoney Course tutor: Domanic De Andrade Date due: Wed 23rd Jan 2013 Word count: 1430 It has been widely acknowledged that crime has consequences for individuals and society (Ou & Reynolds, 2010).So it has been widely accepted that children and adolescents with antisocial behaviour are a societal problem (Helmond, Overbeek & Brugman, 2012). Antisocial behavior is characterised by violent offences such as robbery and assault causing harm to not only its victims but to society as well (Helmond, Overbeek & Brugman, 2012). Society pays the price for crime not only in loss of personal effects and medical costs but also in the cost of incarceration to the tax payers (Ou & Reynolds, 2010).It is the antisocial behaviour, that is targeted in early interventions, in an attempt to diminish delinquency (Hollin & Palmer, 2009). Studies have been undertaken that provide evidence that intervention is effective and benefits the whole of society (Ou & Reynolds, 2010). In this essay, focus will be drawn specifically to intervention and it’s part in curbing recidivism in juvenile offenders.The impact of early intervention for young offenders will be explored in detail, and some examples of early interventions, how and why they work, will be examined and this research will support the success of early interventions and their effectiveness in fighting recidivism. In exploring the rationale of young offenders we uncover reasons why early intervention can lessen the rate of recidivism and in some cases effectively quell re offending. Research has been conducted showing that the brains growth does not stop before at least the early twenties (Buchen, 2012).This means that adolescents are far more likely to act befor e considering the consequences, they are impetuous, and easily influenced by their peers (Buchen, 2012). Now more than ever campaigners for youths are working towards less punishment and more importantly far more opportunity for intervention or rehabilitation (Buchen, 2012). Research into crime has shown that criminal activities occurring in adulthood have been found to follow a youth’s career of criminal activity and antisocial behaviour, developing into an adult re-offender, (Ou & Reynolds, 2010).Youth offenders show predictors early in life that include the sex, race and ethnicity of the juvenile, as well as aggression, and antisocial behaviour in childhood (Ou & Reynolds, 2010). They can be coerced to offend simply because of stressors in their lives (Sealock & Manasse, 2012). In some cases studies have enabled prediction of delinquency that can then allow prevention of youth involvement in the juvenile justice system all together, (Sealock & Manasse, 2012).Where this is not the case and a young person is incarcerated, early intervention is required to curb re-offenders. Mentally ill juveniles will offend three times as often as other juveniles, and for these offenders imprisonment can be fruitless causing significant increase in symptoms instead of reversing environmental damage and improving their skills as it is intended (Erickson, 2012). This puts them further at risk are mentally ill juveniles, for whom demanding life events, such as loss of job or family breakdown, will often lead to violence as a response (Markowitz, 2011).For these mentally ill youths social opportunities can be limited, they will have difficulty finding a job, stable accommodation and a support network (Markowitz, 2011). There often limited opportunities for intervention before the fact (Markowitz, 2011). Because of this some offenders tend towards homelessness and crimes of survival such as shoplifting and trespassing, some committing these non-violent crimes as a way of s eeking intervention they would not otherwise have access to (Hinday, 1997).Symptoms of mental illness include; impulsivity and impaired judgment and can cause already hotheaded youths to act in antisocial ways (Hinday, 1997). A form of intervention that continually arises in research looking at young offenders is the use of cognitive behavioural therapy or modification. Cognitive Behavioural therapy is founded on social learning, and adopts the theory that offenders have learned unsuitable ways of behaving due to their environment (McGuire, 2003).Many intervention plans include this type of treatment, sometimes coupled with psychiatric treatments (Jones, Chancey, Lowe & Risler, 2010). Cognitive behavioural techniques encourage offenders to think through a situation, instead of ensuing their immediate response. A reaction that can often be impetuous and self-centered attitudes that increase the likelihood of anti-social behavior (McGuire, 2003). In cognitive behavioural therapy an of fenders learning is conditioned, they are trained to eradicate maladaptive actions (McGuire, 2003).Cognitive, rehabilitation or intervention programs aim to bring changes to youth offenders (Jones et al. , 2010). Young adults, who spend time incarcerated, carry with them a high likelihood of recidivism when they return from correctional facilities and attempt to transition back into society, (James, Stams, Asscher, De Roo &Van der Laan, 2013). Research has provided a variety of reasons as too why juveniles find it so difficult when re engaging with society, one important reason explained by James et al,. 2013) is that not only are they coming to terms with the challenges of relocation from a juvenile facility back into every day life but they are doing this while simultaneously coping with the move from adolescents into adult hood. Helmond et al. , (2012) Discusses an intervention program constructed by cognitive-behavioural therapy called EQUIP, a program designed to communicate to young antisocial offenders who would be reintegrating into society, ways of acting and thinking responsibly. The EQUIP program is used in correctional facilities all over the world.EQUIP incorporates a positive peer culture in which parties want to support others due to developing feelings of responsibility for them. The main focus of EQUIP is to address mental misrepresentation, deficiencies, and social and moral skills (Helmond et al. , 2012). A private not-for-profit agency, Hillside in the US, is a provider of intervention services for mentally ill young people and their families or guardians (Jones et al. , 2010). This program includes community-based services and a residential treatment facility, which treats participants under a program called Interpersonal Skills Program (Jones et al. 2010). Treatment through this program includes structured framework, group therapy and individual therapy as well as family therapy (Jones et al. , 2010). Hillside’s program works on co gnitive behavioural treatment focusing on mental distortions, managing and assessing risk as well as avoiding situation leading to relapse (Jones et al. , 2010). For those adolescents in the justice system who require treatment for substance abuse, this can be a form of early intervention as offenders can be sent to juvenile drug court (Nissen & Pearce, 2011).Substance abuse treatment programs in collaboration with the juvenile justice system provide this method of intervention where youths are educated and put through an intensive program of rehabilitation as opposed to incarceration (Nissen & Pearce, 2011). High recidivism amidst adolescents has encouraged the government to provide funding from the government to develop and maintain re-integration as intervention, following the lack of success using probation-only in the attempt to prevent adolescents re-offending (Nissen & Pearce, 2011). James, et al. (2013), found that this type of program referred to as after care has had great success when starting a program during incarceration and when aimed at youths with a high risk of re-offending. Another successful after care program was developed by the Robert Wood Johnson foundation and is called Reclaiming Futures (Nissen & Pearce, 2011). The program Reclaiming Futures deploys affirmative youth development and leadership building and efforts on leadership expansion in the community, a community that can offer assistance to bridge life in incarceration to life in society through constructive growth activities (Nissen & Pearce, 2011).Something that Reclaiming Futures does well is bring together suitable intervention and the needs of the adolescent offenders, and this provides an empathetic network around young people with the result being rarer occasions of violations when in parole (Nissen & Pearce, 2011). Early interventions have been found to reduce the rate of recidivism when they target young offenders. As evidence suggests a career criminal is likely to beg in offending as a child, not suddenly as an adult.Therefore intervention that targets change of behaviours, physically and mentally at an early age, prove effective. Intervention is successful at an early age because medically, an individual’s brain does not stop developing until their late twenties. As a result, adolescents can react impulsively to situations, leading to antisocial and criminal behaviour then ultimately to prosecution. The chances of this situation arising are heightened in mentally ill youths however, by incorporating the various approaches of early intervention a program can be planned base on an individual needs assessment.This plan is determined by the offence committed, and requirements of the youth, and allows positive outcomes to be achieved. All research suggests that the affirmative results are the product of early interventions. References Buchen, L. (2012). Science in court : arrested development. Nature, 484(7394), 304-306. DOI:10. 1038/484304a E rickson, C. D. (2012). Using Systems of Care to Reduce Incarceration of Youth with Serious Mental Illness. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49(3-4), 404–416. DOI 10. 1007/s10464-011-9484-4 Gibbs, J. C. , Potter, G.B. , Barriga, A. Q. & Liau, A. K. (1996). Developing the helping skills and prosocial motivation of aggressive adolescents in peer group programs. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 1(3), 283-305. DOI:  10. 1016/1359-1789(95)00018-6   Helmond, P. , Overbeek, G. & Brugman, D. (2012). Program integrity and effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral intervention for incarcerated youth on cognitive distortions, social skills, and moral development. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(9),1720–1728. DOI:  10. 1016/j. childyouth. 2012. 05. 001 Hiday,  V. A. 1997). Understanding the connection between mental illness and violence. International journal of law and psychiatry, 20(4), 399-417. DOI:  10. 1016/S0160-2527(97)00028-9   Hollin, C. R. & Palm er, E. J. (2009). Cognitive skills programmes for offenders. Psychology, Crime & Law, 15(2-3), 147-164. DOI:http://dx. doi. org/10. 1080/10683160802190871   James, C. , Stams, G. J. J. M. , Asscher, J. J. , De Roo, A. K. & Van Der Laan, P. H. (2013). Aftercare programs for reducing recidivism among juvenile and young adult offenders: A meta-analytic review.Clinical Psychology Review, 33(2), 63–274. DOI:  10. 1016/j. cpr. 2012. 10. 013   Jones, C. D. , Chancey, R. , Lowe, A. & Risler, E. A. (2010). Residential Treatment for Sexually Abusive Youth: An Assessment of Treatment Outcomes. Research on Social Work Practice. 20(2), 172-182. DOI:http://dx. doi. org/10. 1177/1049731509333349     Markowitz, F. E. (2011). Mental illness, crime, and violence: Risk, context, and social control. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 16(1), 36–44. DOI:  10. 1016/j. avb. 2010. 10. 003   McGuire, J. (2003).Offender  Rehabilitation  and  Treatment  Effective Programmes an d Policies to Reduce Re-offending. Retrieved from http://www. swin. eblib. com. au. ezproxy. lib. swin. edu. au/patron/FullRecord. aspx? p=146239&echo=1&userid=znHAXBQDThLw9bSY1Xo67Q%3d%3d&tstamp=1358851968&id=4B65141F70B1486C0EA05198C182C8FA6D56A7DB Nissen, L. B. & Pearce, J. (2011). Exploring the implementation of justice-based alcohol and drug intervention strategies with juvenile offenders: Reclaiming Futures, enhanced adolescent substance abuse treatment, and juvenile drug courts.Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 60–65. DOI:  10. 1016/j. childyouth. 2011. 06. 014   Ou, S. ,& Reynolds, A. J. (2010). Childhood predictors of young adult male crime. Children and Youth Services Review, 32(8), 1097–1107. DOI:  10. 1016/j. childyouth. 2010. 02. 009   Sealock, M. D. & Manasse, M. (2012). An uneven playing field: The impact of strain and coping skills on treatment outcomes for juvenile offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40(3), 238–248. DOI:  10. 1016/j. jcrimjus. 2012. 02. 002

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Civil Wars vs Terrorism - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1890 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Civil War Essay War Essay Did you like this example? Civil Wars vs Terrorism Civil wars occur a lot more than most may think, and with as much media coverage that there is nowadays, it doesnt seem rare anymore to have a terrorist attack. These are two very sad events. A civil war is defined as a war in which the main participants are within the same state, such as the government and a rebel group (pg. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Civil Wars vs Terrorism" essay for you Create order 237 of textbook). Terrorism is defined as the use or threatened use of violence against noncombatant targets by individuals or nonstate groups for political ends (pg. 264 of textbook). Civil wars and terrorism do not appear to be the same on the outside, but with further digging, it is easy to see how the two might go hand-in-hand. These two groups definitely have their differences, but they share very similar characteristics during bargaining failure. In civil wars, most of the time, there is a rebel group fighting against the government. There may also be a rebel group fighting against another rebel group with a different ideology. Scholars say that in order for a war to be considered a civil war there must be at least 1,000 deaths related to the war, and the deaths have to be made up of both sides. Therefore that means that a tyrant ruler can not poison their civilians and kill 1,000s and call it a civil war. From 1945 to 1999, interstate wars were responsible for the deaths of 3 million people, while civil wars killed more than 16 million (pg. 237 of textbook), civil wars can be extremely costly for civilians. A main cause of civil war is a group using violence to fight for, typically, a political interest. Sometimes, foreign countries will get involved and help a rebel group because they share the same ideology. For example, a foreign country may send aide through money, resources, troops, training, or sometimes even sanctuary. A foreign country getting involved in a civil war can get very complicated. Another negative impact of a civil war is there may be a lot of refugees trying to flee the country and move into another country. That problem in itself creates a domino effect of problems with it. This can create a burden for neighboring states that feel like they have to bring these people in. There is typically a crime and conflict increase that come with the people as well. Since there are many factors that influence foreign states, the United Nations describes civil wars as threats to international peace and security. Because of this, they can send peacekeepers to try and intervene when necessary. The textbook says, of the 69 peacekeeping operations by the UN in 1948-2014, 39 were conflict within one state and 12 were for both international and civil dimensions. This shows that even thou gh a civil wars physically occurs in one state/country, does not mean that it only involves that state, many foreign sides can get involved. If rebelling against a government causes this much death and controversy, then why do it? Typically, rebel groups have had enough of social injustice within their country. Rebel groups can be created through people having similar interest when their economic or social-well being is harmed. They have three options: try to leave the state, change the states policies, or try to take over the state. This obviously creates a lot of conflict in territory, policy, and regime. When a rebel group wants to own their own land from the territory, they are called Separatists. This will take place when a group thinks they can do a better job of governing themselves than the current government they are under. On the flip side, rebel groups are called irredentist if they want to take a piece of territory and attach it onto another country. This will happen when a neighboring country has the same beliefs that the rebel group may be fighting for. For example, this happened in Great Britain when there was decades of conflict with the Catholic group of Northern Ireland. This group wanted to join with the rest of Ireland because they were alike, as they were majority Catholic. These groups are motivated by their greed or grievances. They try to persuade the government by sometimes using violence to get what they want, or they may try to take over the government altogether. Sometimes countries have problems maintaining people who are unsatisfied with their country. The groups who are unhappy either get a start from a popular fan base, someone who has a lot of money, or someone who is high up in the government. There are three factors that rebel groups use to form and to take action. The first factor is the group explanation. This means that a group who strongly shares the same views tend to trust each other better, which can make them more powerful and harder to control. Another factor is at the country level. The way the country typically handles their conflict can tell a lot about how a rebel group may handle conflict. If a country normally handles things violently, a rebel group is more likely to handle things violently as well, and vise versa. At the country level, money is also another factor. In a poorer country, they have more reason to be unhappy than richer countries. Richer countries can also afford a better defense, which may discourage rebel groups from trying to take it over. Finally, the last factor to civil war is internationally. There are international factors because a foreign country may agree with a rebel side and try to help them. This can create a proxy war. A proxy war is when two foreign countries fight because they side with two different sides in a civil war. For example, this happened during the Cold War. China and the Soviet Union supported Communist rebels and the United States supported rebels in Pro-Soviet Union governments. While there are many factors into civil war, there are also many factors into terrorism that differ. The main difference between terrorism and civil war is that terrorists want to instill fear into the civilians while rebel groups are fighting for what they think is right. Another difference is that terrorism can happen internationally. Although terrorism is most common in its host state, it is not uncommon in foreigns states either. Terrorist groups are typically much smaller and less centrally governed than rebel groups, which means they are less capable of starting a civil war. Terrorist groups are very dangerous and violent and can make recruiting for them very hard. They are considered extremist and this means that their views and the way they carry them out are not so popular. They will randomly attack businesses and diplomatic missions, for the most part. For example, Al Qaeda during 9/11 targeted the Pentagon, World Trade Center, and the White House. Terrorist groups are very extreme and will match that with their extreme actions. There are some differences between terrorism and civil wars/rebel groups as discussed, but there are also similarities. The main similarity is that they result from a bargaining failure. There are three bargaining failures that help civil wars and terrorism occur. The bargaining failures for both groups come from incomplete information, commitment problems, and indivisibilities. Incomplete information means that either the government or the group did not have all the correct information to respond in the right way. A big part of incomplete information for both these groups is typically the government does not know the actual size of the rebel/terrorist group they are going up against. Terrorist groups tend to over exaggerate their size. This can lead to their threats not being so credible. For example, there were plenty of signs from Bin Laden about 9/11, but they were not taken very seriously because there were other more credible threats that the FBI was dealing with. Another difference between these two groups and incomplete information, is rebel groups are more likely to communicate what they want than terrorist groups. Terrorist typically act on surprise and very unpredictable. Incomplete information occurs in both of these groups. Another factor they share is the commitment problems between these groups and the government. Disputes of these extremes can be very hard to solve and can create a long and costly war. If it happens to get to the point where they can talk out an agreement, a big problem still allies. How does the government know the rebel/terrorist group will be truthful and really lay down their arms and vice versa? How do these groups know the government wont take severe action after theyve laid down their arms? A government is going to want these groups to disarm and demobilize. The groups are going to want the government to agree to give them what they want. These disputes rarely end in a peaceful manner. Typically, one side will completely fight for what they want and win it all. Since the rebels and terrorists have no central power this makes them weak for negotiations. They can not be sure that every member of the group will obey them. There may be people in the group who refuse to lay down th eir arms even if peace is settled. That could create another rebel/terrorist group and take everything back to square one. This can create commitment problems. The third factor that these two groups have in common is their bargaining failure through indivisibilities. This seems to be the toughest of the three, because sometimes the reason the groups are fighting are for undividable causes. For example, a group may be fighting for a certain religion and that is very hard to negotiate. This is why suicide bombers do what they do, they show the government that they would rather give up their life for what they believe in than to give up what they are fighting for. This puts the government in a sticky situation, because if they give in to just one group who is fighting for what they believe in, it could encourage other groups to then try and fight for what they believe in also. This shows the government as very weak for easily giving into a group. There is a great example of this that occured in Russia. Russia fought in two extremely costly civil wars because the Chechens wanted to break away from them. There would have been less of a cost to R ussia if they would have just let them go. However, there are more than 100 cultures in Russia and if they were to let the first group go easy, that could have influenced the other cultures to do the same. Indivisibilities are the hardest part for the government, but they are where rebels and terrorists are greatly alike. Civil wars involve rebel groups and terrorist attacks involve terrorists. A main difference between the two groups is rebel groups are fighting for a cause in their own country and may be more willing to peacefully agree with a government. A terrorist group on the other hand is going to attack civilians and use surprise violence to try and achieve what they want. Both groups do not have a central power so they can be a little sloppy. They both have similarities with the three bargaining factors. After further digging, the differences and similarities between the two events can be made clear.